Seán - I just recently discovered your writing and your wonderful new book just arrived yesterday. I moved to the US from Ireland 31 years ago and have just these last few years felt a strong pull to return home. I'm not sure what I would work at when I return - I'm a Public Defender here in Tejas, but don't have the stamina or desire to retrain and work as a lawyer in Ireland. I feel drawn to mediation and conflict resolution or maybe some form of counseling and healing. Anyway, all this to ask you - have you had much engagement with what is stirring in Éire in the spiritual and healing sphere to fill the void left by the implosion of the Catholic Church? I'm thinking of folks like Siobhán de Paor, Diarmuid Lyng, Liam Ó Maonlaí and Manchán Magan who are taking up the mantle of the late great John Moriarty in attempting to reawaken the Irish people to our inheritance and connection to our soil. If so, I would love to read your thoughts on this.

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Seán, thanks as always for the gift of your writing. I don't have any specific examples of what I'd like you to write about -- my interest in your writing has always been about whatever you are interested in enough to write about in any given moment. All of the topics you mentioned would be something I'd read. In other words, I value your writing in itself, but I also value your skill in choosing what to write about.

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Deeply grateful that you are getting to be better known. Two responses come to mind to your question. Stephen Buhner's Earth-style connection is what is needed most now. What does Earth want humans to do - want you to do. You have deep connections and can hear and read her - we need to know. You may already be on this. Also, the past few years, I've been learning from and paying attention to another new way of being via Bayo Akomolafe, co-creator of The Emergent Network and many other 'progressive' sites. I can send more info if needed.

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